Caroline Gosling and Dr Lenora LeMay: Nurturing Resilience With Hopeful Cultures of Learning

This series of sessions will encourage female leaders (both school leaders and Association leaders) to discover and tap into the meaningful hope-focused practices and strategies needed to discover the resilience that exists within.  Dr Lenora LeMay and Caroline Gosling will share the tools needed to build the solid foundation in engaged learning, well-being and learned hopefulness that is needed to flourish in your professional and private life. In addition, participants will be able to network with other female school and association leaders to create a conception/pedagogy of hope. 

​Videos of previous speaker sessions are available for a limited time under the 'Secure' page of this site. You must be logged in under your ATA account to access the secure area.

Recorded sessions are intended for use by ATA members only and cannot be linked, forwarded, repurposed or republished in any manner.​

Previous speaker sessions in the 2021-2022 Speaker Series that are now available for viewing:


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